
  • Registration / welcome coffee


  • Welcome

    Welcome speech and introduction to the significance of regions taking the Nordics as an example.

    Thomas EGEBO, Chief Executive Officer, Energinet


  • The Green Transition: The reason for change and innovation in TSOs

    This key note speech will focus on the status and urgency of the green transition and include reflections on the significant role of TSOs and data-based decisions.

    Olivier CORRADI, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Tomorrow


  • Enhanced TSO coordination for Europe

    ENTSO-E presents their vision for the future of TSOs and regions in Europe. The presentation should encourage discussions and will form a basis for the discussions the rest of the day.

    This speech will present the ENTSO-E strategy paper on the future of TSOs and regions in Europe.

    Joachim VANZETTA, Chair of the Board, ENTSO-E


  • TSO regional cooperation and establishment of RCCs – learning from best practices

    In this debate, the panel will discuss how TSOs can learn from best practices in the establishment of RCCs and how the future structure of regional TSO cooperation will look in a 2030 agenda.

    Panel discussion:

    Auke LONT, Chief Executive Officer, Statnett

    Taavi VESKIMÄGI, Chief Executive Officer, Elering

    Ben VOORHORST, Chief Operating Officer, TenneT

    Enrico CARLINI, Director, Dispatching and Operation, Terna

    Robert PAPROCKI, Advisor to the Board, PSE

    Moderator: Laurent SCHMITT, Secretary-General, ENTSO-E


  • Networking lunch


Parallel sessions – participants can choose one session to take part in

  • Balancing projects and reserve sizing

    Regional perspectives – New Nordic Balancing concept.

    Erik EK, Director for Strategic Development, Power System Operation, Svenska Kraftnät

    Jan ZACHARIAS, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Entelios (representing smartEn)

    Sonya TWOHIG, Managing Director Operations, ENTSO-E

  • Ensuring the right competences in an RSC perspective

    This session will discuss if there is a need for a new set of competences to fill the RSCs and future RCCs, where the competences should come from and discuss the new CEP requirement for RCC training certificates.

    Leonardo MEEUS, Professor, Vlerick Business School and Florence School of Regulation

    Alicia GREEN, Policy Analyst - Planning & Environment, RenewableUK

    Jean-François GAHUNGU, Chief Executive Officer, Coreso

  • Risk Preparedness Regulation implementation

    Added value of regional cooperation and roles in the regulation.

    Yolanda GARCIA-MEZQUITA, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission

    Bruce RIDDINGTON, System Operations Advisor, ENTSO-E

  • Regional adequacy forecasting

    Regional adequacy forecasting – paving the way to increased renewable energy integration?

    Jérôme RESTOUEIX, Service Manager, Coreso

    Kristine van het ERVE GRUNNET, Managing Director of Renewable Energy, Danish Energy


  • RSC complexities and future challenges

    The session dives into the complex challenges that the RSCs face in current service implementation, regarding inter-RSC cooperation and in adapting to and incorporating changes coming from the CEP.

    Maik NEUBAUER, Managing Director, TSCNET


  • Coffee Break


Two perspectives on transparency – parallel sessions – participants can choose one session to take part in

  • Capacity Calculation

    This session gives the chance to learn more on the current status of capacity calculation implementation and discuss the changes coming from the Clean Energy Package and how TSOs and RSCs will deal with this.

    Søren DUPONT KRISTENSEN, CEO, Energinet Electricity System Operator and Board member, ENTSO-E

    Jens MØLLER BIRKEBÆK, Manager, Nordic RSC

    Anne VADASZ NILSSON, Director General, The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate

    Elaine O´CONNELL, Policy expert – electricity markets, European Commission, DG ENERGY

    Martin JULANDER, System Business Architect, Svenska Kraftnät

    Moderator: Charlotte RENAUD, Manager Markets & Customers, Eurelectric

  • Critical Grid Situation Communication

    This session opens up for a discussion on what market participants expect from RSCs in a critical grid situation and what the relation is to market suspension and rules on this?

    Jan van ROOST, Chief Operating Officer, Coreso

    Hans RANDEN, Director Market Coupling Operator, Nord Pool

    Danny KLAAR, Manager System Operations - International Development, TenneT

    Jørn KLITGAARD, Senior Lead Business Developer, Ørsted

    Moderator: Astrid SKJØNBORG BRUNT, General Counsel European and international affairs, Statnett


  • Efficient markets support operational security

    Closing speech on how efficient markets can support operational security, taking the Nordics as an example also illustrating how regions can contribute to this.

    Jukka RUUSUNEN, Chief Executive Officer, Fingrid


  • Thank you for today

    Wrap up of the day and announcement of the hosts for the conference in 2020.

    Jens MØLLER BIRKEBÆK, Manager, Nordic RSC

    Laurent SCHMITT, Secretary-General, ENTSO-E


  • Reception

    Networking cocktail